I have smelled Muget Des Bois, and you're right. It does smell lovely (which is difficult for me to admit because I am an artisan perfumer who works with only natural scents).

Here is a little recipe to try at home--perhaps before one's next date with a younger man since grapefruit, when we wear it, helps men see us as six years younger than our actual age. :

Take 15 ml. (about a half an ounce) of jojoba oil, and into that blend one drop of ylang ylang absolute (a very powerful oil; a little ylang ylang goes a very long way), plus 36 drops of essential oil of pink grapefruit. Shake it to break up the scent molecules, and let it sit in a dark closet for a couple of days. It's quite nice. Very refreshing. It's not a true perfume oil because it doesn't have staying power--but it's a nice fragrant oil and is subtle and soft. And you can reapply it as needed if you want more scent. Just be careful and watch for any skin sensitivity. Maybe try just a scant drop on your skin at first if you're prone to allergies. Also, grapefruit essential oil may make your skin more sensitive to the sun--so be careful. And of course keep it away from the kids, grandkids and the pets. I think the term to use is common sense caution.
Melanie in Midlife
