Ah lady, you have no idea how bad it can really get.

Here in Moscow employers who are recruiting always specify that the candidate be in a certain age range (ALWAYS under 30) and to send a portfolio of photos with the resume. Women over 35 are nearly unemployable no matter how experienced or qualified. I've heard stories till my ears could fall off about women who get booted from their jobs because they're too old, get application letters of rejection because they're too old (and too fat!), get propositioned in their jobs. This is a culture of put out or get out--no matter what *the law* says.

I know women right this moment with advanced degrees in mathematics and the sciences who are pushing a mop for a living because they are not young and cute. Russian women over 40 cannot get a job that pays a living. Period.

And wait, it gets even worse. My friend told me about her husband's New Year's party in the corporate office. The company had a director's office decked with a bed and other accouterments....and a hooker was hire for the occasion. All of the male employees were expected to partake in the festivities.

I personally know firsthand of several young Russian women who lost their jobs because they refused the sexual advances of bosses and clients. Fired, out the door, goodbye. It is expected that these services will be provided and girls who don't go along have a very bumpy and unsuccessful career.

I have a great deal of trouble actually being served here, anywhere. I sometimes cannot get into restaurants, I've been refused entry into nightclub and dance club places. I've given up on going out to a lot of places because I know they're not going to let me in. My husband--yes. Me--no. It's young and cute or your fanny is out at the bus stop.

It's a beating. You all don't know how good you've got it. And it's going on all over the world.