Here's the situation. My step-son, LW is a really great young man...23, been in the Navy for about 6 months and is finally at his permanent duty station. We get along great. Here's the problem: Shouldn't a grown man who's in the Navy be responsible for his mail? He doesn't want it coming to the base because he says he doesn't want to have to wait the extra few days to get to his quarter deck. He visits about 3 times a month and the base is only an hour and a half from his family. The base has a post office and he could get his own PO box but he's balking at that. He lived with his mom just until he went into the Navy and he pushed a lot of his responsibilies on her. From what we hear he's still having her do some things for him and now he's sending his mail to our home. His other reason for wanting us to get and keep his mail until he visits is because he'll be going to Japan for six months and he doesn't want his mail to pile up on the base. My son was in the Navy, too, and went on deployment and he simply had his mail forwarded to him. The problem I foresee if LW is going to have bills eventually again and if we get the bills he'll want to expect us to take care of them. (gut feeling here). His dad is being passive about it because...he's passive about things like this. I'm more of a stand up and be responsible for your own stuff kind of person. My boys went into the military right out of high school and were always responsible for their life and the responsiblites that goes with it.
LW went bankrupt because he would not do what was necessary and had his mom handle things...which, she didn't do and he blames her for his bankruptcy. I think it's his fault because he did not take charge of his own banking. I just do not think a grown man needs to be having his dad and me doing the mail thing for him when he's perfectly able to receive it at his base. It looks to me more of LW wanting someone else to handle his business than LW handling it himself. HIs dad did tell him last weekend that he needed to get a PO box. LW fussed because he said he didn't want to have to do all the paperwork necessary to get the address changed. ??? Isn't that part of life? We have to do things we don't like to do because's just part of life? This is the attitude I'm talking about. He's trying to keep it on us because he's lazy.
Any thoughts ladies?
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards