nice quote hannilore

If you said this to him and hes aware of it i would lead by example talk to him the way you would want to talk if you had that intimacie in your life...compliment him, search back throw your memorie for good recent or long gone times that showed him at his best...tell him hows hes been for the last 20 yrs has been exilent in all respects (keep esteem in tact) but now change is needed becouse the situasion has changed and its time to take advantige of it...after a few weeks then tell him how you been treating him is how you like to be treated..then hes got an idea of what thse new changies are about and also how to do them...

i need emotional intimacie in my relashionships or they dont work for me..that means that a times i gotta be a bit vulrible, admite things i dont want to and look at thing in a new light..or just from my partners view solie but its important enough for me i am willing to do it all and whatever else it takes for that intimacie.
I like an easie feeling around the house within me and my partner so tough honest but loving talks are necassarie, they know everie thing relivent that fears me at this time and i them... apart from the easie loving feeling thats an aim for both of us to achive....i like a 5 or ten minuet cheek in at the end of the day. These talks help us keep abreast of things and each other but gives a nice end to the day to have 5 or ten miniets true pure connection...Some days its longer but not an aim becouse it be excousting and maybee even suficating to have that everie day, kinda lose sence of one self if it was like that everie day, well for me...

hope that helps. communicate and lead by example. Rember its worth it if theirs love and you want fullfilment from him...much better him than someone else which is sadlie the choice some people make...Dose he have hobbies could you take an intrest or do one of them with him?..
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn