First, I believe raising a family is the highest calling. So please do not sell yourself short in that department.

What I see happening is a lack of purpose. I don't mean to be blunt, but the kids are gone and they were your life. I can totally relate. I was a stay at home mom to three children and when kids leave there can be a huge void unless we choose to fill it with something else.

While we should be able to look to our husbands to make us feel good, I believe we need to look within ourselves to make us feel good. What makes you tick? What is your passion? What are you doing when you lose total track of time? Reflect on those things and try to get excited about beginning a new life that gives purpose to you. Does that make any sense at all?

I'll be praying that you are intentional about finding your own happiness in the next few months. There is no rush, but just start pondering what you want for your second adulthood. And hang with us and share. We'll do all we can to be good listeners and friends.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.