Mrs. Madness, one thing us single gals have learned is that you can't expect a man to make you happy. You have to find happiness for yourself, within yourself. You have to find the activities, hobbies, education, etc that please you and fulfill you. In doing so you may find that he comes around-he may find you more interesting etc. If nothing else finding new activities will add new topics to discuss at the dinner table. Finding new things to do for you will help your self esteem and confidence which will also help your relationship with him.

Dotsie's right, now that kids are grown, replace that empty spot with things for you. Don't expect him to fill your void. You've worked hard...if he won't take a trip with you then get away by yourself somewhere and take time to get to know you. You may be surprised by what you learn about yourself.
starting over

How we handle change determines our Destiny. P. Trapp