
Gosh Mrs. Madness, I think you are leading a fascinating life. But of course looking in from the outside means I have no clue as to how fascinating it really is.

Yes, can you tell us where in China you’ll be moving to? If you are anywhere near where the Olympics are being held, then maybe we could meet?

I know you didn’t like Russia. Do you think the same awaits you in China? From what I’ve heard it is a country of extremes. There are the new rich, who don’t know what to do with all their money, and then the poor peasant farmers, who don’t have a clue as to the economic explosion going on there.

What are you doing to prepare for this move, or are you taking it cold turkey?

Beijing. Yes of course you can come visit! You're planning on going to the Olympics?

Yeah I thought it was facinating too....for a while. Not facinating any more. Moscow a city of 20 million, Beijing 12 million. I am not thrilled at the prospect of going to another big dirty mega city. I hear that the smog in Beijing is horrific. Some of the wold's worst .

You don't know, or maybe you do, that traveling for a fun vacation, and living in some 3rd world country, are two entirely different things. As far as I'm concerned both Russia and China are 3rd world countries. And while the husband happily trots off to work every morning....

I get to figure out how to ride the bus in a foreign country. I get to figure out how to buy the food and where things are and how to get a dentist appt. and shlep everything home in a wheelie cart. I'm the one who has to get a grasp of whatever language is going on because I'm the one who takes care of everything. This is neither exciting nor fun. It's exhausting. It has taken me years to acquire a minimum of survival skills here and now I get to do it all over again.
