Hannelore, It takes guts to do what you're doing and I admire you for taking these steps.

When I left 'he' said, "Don't think you're ever coming home again!" Duh...."I didn't leave to come back MR!" Second call was "PLEASE come home!" Yeah.....sure.

He disrespected me on the day of my Mother's funeral and I never looked back. I haven't given him a second thought since unless it is to post here.

Hannelore, I am telling you, if you are happier being away from him, spread your wings and fly. You are quite capable of looking after "YOU" You'll be just fine.

You have my support 100% in this.

You go girl!
If it sounds like I am encouraging you, well yes I am.
~ Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: if you're alive, it isn't ~
~ Prayer is the most we can do for another human being ~