My dear dear friends. You were all in my thoughts last night before I fell asleep.

Chick, this is so funny, because last night "He" called and said exactly what your husband had said, "if you don't come home tonight don't ever come home". Then he called two more times during the wee morning to tell me how much he loves and misses me. Your post was like a wise warning, and I need the encouragement. I really do. He knows how to work on my sympathy strings. How can I stay strong? Is there any secret formula?

That's what I think it all amounts to; no matter what the reason, if you are miserable, you are just plain miserable. And this misery seems to snowball. Things that have never bothered me before, bother the heck out of me now. The fact that he constantly interupts me when I talk, putting me down infront of others, his scraggly moustache that hurts when he kisses me, (but still refuses to shave it off), his pesimistic attitude, always seeing the glass half empty than full...blah blah... I feel like a damn has opened and it's coming all out.

And the biggest joke is; I had written an essay about him for a Valentine's contest and won! Ha if that isn't hypocritical. Oh well.

Yes dear Chatty, I entrusted you my problems from the start, and thanks to you, you reopened my eyes to all his good qualities. Maybe he isn't a porno freak, or he is loyal husband and a good dad, but he still makes me cry way too often.

Kate, It helps me to hear how you ladies have mastered your situations. Thank you for asking me to keep posting on this. I don't want to bore anyone with my problems. So it is good to know that you are genuininly interested.

Mountain Ash, Those few words, "keep the brave heart", will hopefully carry me a long way. And thank you TVC,Yonuh, Laurel for being there for me.

Sharon, all the way in Australia...this is so wonderful. So many can identify, and feel...and it's all about being a woman. How much luckier we are then men. I don't think my Hubby has anyone to talk to, and if he did...he probably wouldn't.

Louisa, You made a new start in life as well. I have so many brave ladies here as role models. Yes, that is what you are.

Hey are surprised as I am heh? Well, I never ever thought I had it in me either. I know you once said you are a supporter of partnerships staying together...Believe me, I tried. I really really tried.

Sorry this is all so long, but I just needed to thank each one of you. I got to hold myself back from sounding gushy, ...but that is how I feel. I just love you all and hug you back.