Hi gals…as the Stomach Turns…to be continued….

Hubby actually drove out to look for me. And if this isn't a coincidence, I was just about to leave the area when he turned in. There we were; his car in one direction and my car in the other, and he was crying.

I had to drive on, … the light changed, and he turned and followed me. We stopped at the next parking lot, and my big bully husband got out and cried on my shoulder.

Of course it melted my heart…I'm not made out of stone …but there was this feeling of coldness in me as well. I thought, … see buddy … now it's your turn to cry. How do you like it? Anyway he took me out to eat, neither of us had any appetite, and then I followed him home.

I made it clear that I think he needs help. And I made it clear if he doesn't get it, then we have to go out separate ways. Actually I feel totally drained, but at least we are undertaking something. I truly hope and pray the doctor will figure out why he is the way he is.

Gonna sleep in the boys room tonight. Just taking one step at a time. Thank you all for accompanying me in this emotional roller coaster ride. I don't know what I would have done without you.

Hi Madalyn and welcome to this stormy beginning. It's not always like this here. Thank you for all your prayers. I truly think they helped.