Ha! Chatty.."men are naughty little boys with long pants"….so true, and they seldom think of the consequences.

I'm wondering if I suggested the right thing. I told my husband that he should go to the therapist (who is also a marriage counselor) alone. I'll be going later with him in any case, just not sure in what sequence this is right. Anyone have experience with this?

Five large pine trees were cut down in our back yard yesterday. Our garden is so much sunnier now. Maybe it is symbolic of what is to come? While I was gone Hubby called our oldest son and told him what is going on. I'm so touched how my boys are reacting to all of this. It must have been a shock for them, for they had absolutely no idea. They are planning to take their father out for a "man's day this weekend and hear him out. I told them I don't want them taking sides, (although I got to admit, it is comforting to know they are supporting me.)

They used a huge fire-engine ladder truck to get up to the top of the trees to cut them down. After the trees were all cut, one of the guys asked me if I would like a ride in the ladder cage. Well, you know my friends, I could never say no to an offer like that. Within a few minutes we were up at the highest peak, (30 meters, that's about 91 feet). I looked down at our house, which looked as tiny as a dollhouse, and I thought, gee, all problems should be looked at from this perspective.

I saw our home, and our blooming garden, which we both worked on with love. I saw neighbors come out and wave at me, dogs were barking, sun was shining…it all looked like a page out of a children's book. As the ladder lowered down, my husband took my hand and helped out of the steel basket. It was an eye opener in more ways than one.