woooohooooo i have gone up in the cage tooo with knews knocking lol but hay that whats life is for, calm then little burst of adreneline producing exitment i am soooo proud of you for having the senvces of adventure...

now serious things a hand out the cage, glade he's treating you with respect.

marrige counsellers how it works heer they see you both for a few sessions get a bit of relashionhis going with both of you then singluarie for one or two to get the perspective from each of you's (and what you wont say in front of partner) then both together for the rest of the sessions. Its so counseller has relashionship with BOTH OF YOU and trust from BOTH..Could you stick with convention and both go together and he can or you can both have a seperat counseller for individuel problems?

heer they will do couples counselling like above ......then single counselling at diffrent time but not at same time (generallie) to avoid conflict between what the diffrent counselers are guiding the person towards (whatever goal). Or direct hubbie towards a diffrent counseller from which you will engage in couples counselling with....

Mostlie the counselling dynamic is based of the type and qualitie of the relashionship ones has with their counseller, you not gonna tell much too someone you mistrust or dont like or feel judged by...a lot get shown up via the relashionship "type" one has with the counseller ie rebellion to (perceved authoritie figures, or compliances with lol)

if your wonderring if its the right thing, aske yourself what conserness you?
Is it worrie that hubbie will have strong bond between counseller that you will be intruding on? (not saying you will be but wonderring if thats what ya feel)
Will conseller take his side as he has his side of the situasion first and for longer?.
why not both go on the first session (informe counseller) then discuss the pros and cons with him/her for both couples and singles counselling, let him/her know what your intensions are, let him/her tell you what their boundries and capabi;lities are.....thats what your paying her/him for lol work the bissium lol.....

thats how its generallie done over heer but your countrie may be diffrent and the counsellers prefrinces may come into play.....

thats a good question and i am wonderring what the cultural diffrences are about this?
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn