Kate, you are probably right. Dee has told me just about the same thing.

The problem is,…and the funny thing is…it's not really a problem, but in a way it is; he isn't a complete jerk…that sure would make it easier. He is a wonderful man in many ways. So I have decided to pull this counselling thing through. If, however, he doesn't change, and he still makes me so unhappy then, … I will have to change my location.

You say there are two sides to the coin. Oh, I am sure there are,… and I am far from perfect as well,…but still, I have never hurt his feelings so bad that he gets depressed on a regular basis. That just doesn't go with loving someone. As Dee said, he has a control issue, and I'm just not letting that happen anymore.

Celtic, I think I'll change the counselling appointment so that we go together first. Thanks for your advice.
Mountain Ash, Diamond, and Laurel, and everyone else, I am so grateful for your prayers. And you know what, I think someone is listening to me up there too.

I'm doing okay, thanks to you all.