Honestly, if I am feeling better today, it's because of all your wonderful posts! I tip my hat to anyone who has read this entire thread…"As the Stomach Turns"…is turning into a series.

JJ, you made me think, and it did tug at my heart strings; especially that question you posted;
"Why would he pick that one particular way of hurting you? BECAUSE....he knows it would." Hubby prefers to go to the therapist alone. I don't care, as long as he goes, and the Vodoo Doc can drive the 'demon' out of him.

Hi pattilou… Thank you for sharing your positive experience and welcome to the greatest place on the net.

Shirley, I am so touched that new members partake and share their personal stories. You said;
"He went cold on me, spent a whole summer sleeping head down in the bed (ie I slept with his his feet next to my face :rolleyes:)"..
Sorry but this made me laugh. If my Hubby did that to me…I wouldn't have to leave him…I'd die first from the smell.

Celtic, have you been celebrating all weekend with Po? Makes me happy to hear happy stories. Jane, thank you.

Mitzkity, your last line made me smile too, "it's ALL ABOUT US! not THEM!"