Guten Tag, Mein Fruend (hope I spelled all that's been ages since I had to spell in German). I hope this finds you having a better day than yesterday and with more hope for tomorrow.
Hey...your hug angel is sitting on my shoulder waving at the screen. I'm sending her back your way to give you more hugs...:)
Hang in there dear friend and always remember you're not have all of us cheering you on. In the meantime, keept these thoughts in mind:

How long will this hurt? As long as you want it to.
How long will someone keep hurting me? As long as you let them.

Keep that beautiful chin up and even though you don't feel like smiling, remember your BWS friends are here and when you can't smile for yourself, we'll do it for you.
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards