Gulp, gulp....just peeked in to gasp for air … That's what you all give me.

Humlan, I deeply respect you sharing your own personal experience with divorce. I know that isn't easy, it took me a long time to reveal that we have marriage problems. You gave me a lot to think about. Those are brilliant questions, and I am pondering them through.

I'm in a state of limbo right now, … just waiting out this therapy thing, and not making any decision one way or the other.

Celtic, I'm soooo proud of you for keeping the CD secret of Ann right to the end. I know you were bursting at the seams. ha ha. Hon, I just want to say that Hubby has no idea at all that I am sharing all this personal information…So if you should call, it might very well be that I can't talk. Just warning you if I just say yes and no….oh gosh, how old am I? 12?