Orchid, my mom loves me but just sort of says "Oh, that Rhonda, you know how she is". She wishes I were more like my sister who is Martha Stewart's clone. She sews, has her own upholstery business, is married to a successful executive, has four children who are very bright and successful.

I don't know how to explain it, but I just don't relate well to women. I can empathize and joke right along and discuss some women's issues, but when it gets right down to the intimate, would call a friend in the middle of the night and I know he'd be there. No competition or jealousy but pure friendship, all of my closest friends have been men.

Men don't get too emotional and seem to be more rational. I've had women turn on me in a heartbeat and rip straight through to the core. I don't feel understood by women but men seem to understand what I'm thinking and feeling and why. We problem solve together. They can freely talk to me about their wives and girlfriends and we laugh and joke about life in general.

Even issues regarding their children, I can discus with them freely. Of course, sometimes we get too close or at least feel too close, then it gets uncomfortable, but then you just draw the line again and laugh about it and go on.

I don't trust women. There aren't any close women in my life but my three daughters and I would die for any one of them but many of their best friends are male also even though my daughters are all lovely and very feminine.
Aarikja Ann