Well. if I thought at the age I feel, I'd be 30. It's strange. time goes by, bur the mind doesn't age as quickly as the body I guess. I still get that wonderful tingle and rush of excitement when I meet that someone who turns all my cranks.

I've never been held captive by chronological age limitations. I truly think women are going to come into their own no matter what chronological age they may be as long as they are able to let go of preconceived images of what a women should be like at certain times in their lives.

I think we hold ourselves back out of fear or out of mapping that begins in early childhood. In cartoons and in movies and in so much of the media, the older woman, the grandma, has gray hair, can't move in liquid movements, can't squat and stand in one smooth movement, can't get hot and sexy when stimulated without the aid of KyJelly and now its even heated......, can't be innocent and beguiled by anyone or anything...what a crock!!

I'd put myself against any teenager or early twenty something anyday and I'm sure there are many of you who would agree. I personally don't want anyone under the age of 30...I really, really want to see what I've got and then when I've developed it, I want to enjoy it and then maybe, just maybe, share it.
Aarikja Ann