Well, as usual, there's a little more to it than that, but not worth going into.

Truth is, I used to trust everyone and I wasn't gender biased at all. But, men are sort of lovingly dumb and easily led by a short skirt and a set of boobs, really!!

Women on the other hand, know how to use those qualities to their best interest, to manipulate and get what they want and if what they want is YOUR man, then believe me, she will get him. I've never seen a man undyingly faithful to one woman no matter what the temptation (except my dad). It seems to me they are easily flattered and easily enticed. Their egos are fragile and they don't have the repetoire of guiles women have. At least that has been my experience and the more intelligent and less street smart they are the easier they are to "steal".

I know its possible to meet a man who isn't interested in anyone else, but usually, they aren't too interesting themselves, sort of boring and a little too much in touch with their feminine side, like a friend instead of a sexy, thrilling and satisfying mate.

Just my own experience...
Aarikja Ann