Well, JawJaw and all, I wasn't in my right mind when I met and ultimately married my husband.

I had cried nonstop for months. I had quit eating and moved out of our home. I had just become someone I didn't even know for a time. My soon to be ex is a gregarious man with many friends and acquaintances. He offered a built in social life and (I thought) security. I have no other explanation.

Its much easier to be completely open with people you will never see and yet feel like you know. You don't really know me. If I passed you on the street you wouldn't have the slightest idea that I'm NewLeaf. In everyday life I'm a fairly open person also though.

I would never tell anyone about myself that I thought would destroy me. That's not the kind of trust I'm referring to anyway. I'm not comfortable in the one on one situation where women become too close. There is such a thing as emotional incest and my own mom practiced that with me. I'll never feel comfortable in a close relationship with women.
Aarikja Ann