You know, its weird, but I'm not even attracted to my soon to be ex anymore. I guess the decision to finally end a horrific relationship has enabled me to see him for what he really is, a pathetic emotionally needy man who wants someone, anyone to make him happy.

I told him the other day, I wasn't willing to accept responsibility for his happiness. And in that vein, what do you all think?..IS a wife responsible for her husband's happiness and is a husband responsible for his wife's happiness?

Where do you draw the line? My stbex loves karaoke and his theme song is, "I did it my way." I hate that song because I know its an admission of ignorance and self absorbtion. No one can do it their way successfully and win.

Are we also responsible for our children's happiness? Our parent's happiness? Is it fair to blame another person because you are depressed?

I've often wondered where one should draw the line?
Aarikja Ann