
orchid, I can't stand it when men think they're cute and act flirtatious or comment on your figure, their sex life, or other things of that nature. YUK! We recently had an estimate by a boomer man who totally turned me off. I was glad my son was home. He just came across as a flirt. I mean, all we did was ask him to come give us an estimate. What's up with that behaviour. He won't get the job.

NewLeaf, I agree with people who become stagnant, but I like to beleive that boomers are less stagnant than prior generations. What do you think?

Boomers as prone to being less stagnant than previous generations...hmmmmmm. .I still think we like our creature comforts despite some boomers foraying into marathons, hikes and age-defying activities.

What disappoints me alot is younger men, SOME younger than boomer men, who are still chauvinistic/paternalistic..still expect their wives to do the lion's share of childrearing, housework and wives putting their career choices 2nd in priority. Feels like fallout of stagnation from previous generation. (Oops, I guess that's the boomer generation.) Old, old habits die hard.

What boomer men and women have more than previous generations, are more choices in lifestyles/attitudes if they want it and with far less social ostracization (than previous generations), mutually enabling/learning lifestyles that can be psychologically and physically healthier.

It has been said that we live in a more "global" community..access to more information, easier transportation modes to see more different things and MAYBE more multicultural society. HOwever that has to be balanced by the sheer ignorance of some people our age and younger, who don't want to travel far, don't want to try different foods, don't want socialize much with others outside their socio-economic/racial/ethnic group. And these people can be our loved ones, etc.

Sometimes lack of time is the biggest reason, or income...claims that travel is expensive. (yea, sure..on a bike it isn't).

Fear based on the wrong information..can really stunt us.

NewLeaf...I think I've said my share about wrongfully benchmarking yourself in the eyes of men. Men's attitude won't change...but it's your view of yourself and how you see world that needs a fresh turnaround. 180 degrees.

Enough said.
http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)