Me too, Laurel! My job is on the phone for 8 hrs. a day 5 days a week. I get called "honey" and "sweetheart" and "dear". I have one of those "angelic" voices I guess.

Now, take laughs....there's this guy at work who laughts and when he does, it just grates on my last nerve. He laughs like a Herkermer, like huck, huck, huck with breaks in his laughter like a hormonal teen.

One night I even went on a search for him to see what kind of man would laugh like that! I've heard female laughter that sounds like a tropical bird call and one of the things that unnerves me more than anything else is to be speaking to someone who says something and then laughs like, "I walked across the street today" haw haw haw, "I went shopping with my uncle." haw haw haw. My mind is screaming, "Its not funny!" Maybe its a nervous habit, but what the heck do you do when someone you're speaking to laughs at everything! I have to wonder if they've been smoking pot.
Aarikja Ann