I think its because women are supposed to be beautiful and seductive their whole life and men's idea of beauty is supple, smooth skin and big boobs, a lineless face and thin. I've seen men go nuttsy over a woman just because she is thin and yet has the face of Alice Cooper! Sucking on one cigarette after the other and laughing like a rusty gate.

If you go on the dating websites its all about thin. I'm starting to think the chubs don't look too bad. Its whats in the heart and mind that matter most. My ex was thin but looked like Sponge Bob. Skinny legs and arms, a chubby tummy and square middrift and a big head and big feet.

Yet, he abhorred chubby or fat women. When I gained a pound or too he would say, "Well, I never say anything about your weight," course, he just did by saying he never does.....what a loser!
Aarikja Ann