Yesterday my mother had a stroke. She's in the hospital now, had a brain scan and is under observation.

On the way to the hospital I couldn't stop crying. I prayed that God take her, because I love her so much. I want her to be spared a move into an old age home, where I just know she will be terribly unhappy. I want her to sleep peacefully into the other side of life. I love her so much that I am able to give her free to forever peace. I also prayed that God make me strong, and put me into the role as my mother's guardian angel. I felt a peace come over me and stopped crying. In the hospital I was able to smile at my Mom, hold her and tell her how I love her, without crying. My mission is to make this transition for my mother as easy as possible. It's about her life and her departing; not mine.

That's how I felt before my father died. I suffered more before he died. I suffered seeing him in pain. And when the time came, I felt relief that he finally was at rest.

My Dad lives in my heart, and is always with me. I never ever lost him. So I think, when you are all in pain, because you miss you loved ones, try to find comfort in the fact that they are at peace. They feel no more pain, sorrow, or loneliness. They have completed their journey, now it's our turn.