I have a backyard with blackberry bushes. They have been blooming all month. I pick them as does my Mom. There are more than enough for us. There is an older man that I've spoken to before who likes to pick them. They are on both sides of the fence so he does not really need to come in my yard but he does. On occasion I said it was ok but also said I like to pick them too. (meaning go ahead but save some fore me) There are bushes all over the place at the parks, etc. so he really doesn't need to come to my house.

He knocks on my door alot asking if he can pick them. This week I am taking off work but normally my kids during the summer are home alone so I don't want this guy around. He seems harmless enough but kind of weird, you never know. The other day when I went out to my car he was behind the bush and said something to me startling me. I did not appreciate him lurking behind my bushes.

Today when I was home during the day he kept knocking on the door. I did not answer but saw him through the window. He left, then came back again knocking on the door. I find him a pest. He has picked more than enough blackberries and I want him to stop coming over.

I don't want to be mean, but I don't want to answer my door all the time, nor do I want him in my yard anymore.
Any suggestions?