I been married before (won't tell how MANY times before) and I got to thinking about how much I may have "missed out" on having had the same spouse for over 20 years or so.

When having conversations with friends who have been married to ONE spouse, they really do not know what it's like to have had to adjust to the baggage we all carry.

For instance, kids from previous marriages; meals that a DH can be used to but a new/current wife does not or knows how to make; certain routines like putting dishes IN the sink as opposed to ON the counter (gets me irritated every time!!).

I also know I do not know my spouse as well as those who have known theirs since, say, high school. We are still learning one another. I feel as though you all have a huge jump on your relationship, in a good way.

I also think that when a couple has kids, it gives them a new opportunity to learn about the other. For instance, DH is grandpa. I don't even know how to be a parent, let alone a grandparent.

Would anyone else like to expand on the "second" marriage?