Our Wendys in the hospital since early this morning and the doctors are doing major testing. Now they say that the best case is its an infected gland and they can drain the poison and she'll be laid up several days OR it could be cancer but shes in for scans and whatever else they can come up with and my son will call me tonight with any news he has once he's seen her. She didn't want me or her older kids to come up there because she's in and out and we couldn't see her anyway, so we just have to wait. Please crank up those prayers ladies. This is one lovely sweet girl that has had all the bad in a life time anyone should have. Thank you for caring....I'm feeling silly today and I think its a self defense mechanism I use when worried sick. HEY! , Wendy just called me, how cool is that? She's had her tests and now has to wait until Thursday for the answers but God love her she sounds in good spirits and is on her way home with her daughter. Once she's feeling better I want her to join us Boomers, she could use you wonderful ladies love and support. [Razz]