Well, orchid and Dotsie...you're right. He was NEVER domesticated. He grew up on a farm and was always pushed outside. He does help...and recently we had a LONG talk. I do not believe going "on strike" would solve anything.

When we met, he worked 12 hr shifts days AND nights and I was an at-home wife. Then he retired and we started this business...which we LOVE to do. Both are very creative.

However, my life has not been traditional. I honestly feel that, as a non-mother, since I never HAD to create a nest for my brood, HAVE to cook three squares a day, so I never did it. Three times I've been a wife, this being the LAST time, I've not had a routine, per se. I look at both my sisters' lives, and they have always had to be "mother", prepping healthy meals etc. Of course, it does not mean I do NOT cook healthy meals, I just am hap-hazard I suppose. No real PLAN, I just wing it!

Way back in my early 20's I was prepping to be a mother. Career, then motherhood. Well the motherhood thing never happened, so I am always in career mode...even though I don't LIKE it! I'd rather have been a mom, but that does not change what my life is NOW.

So, since I AM in career mode, against my desire, I also expect HIM to help. And since HE was always in "farm boy" mode, he never DESIRED to help. A brick wall!! Plus, his two previous marriages included children.

After our discussion recently, I think he has a better understanding of my life. This is a HUGE problem having been married late life.

We knew NOTHING about our past, family environment etc. (I think there should be another topic started about getting married in ones 40's or later..what do you think?) The only thing each of us knows is what we tell. He did not meet my mother since she died in 1975, so he really has no clue as to my background training.

I did not know his step-Dad, who raised him either.

So, ya'll see our plight? It's a humdinger at best!

We are, so far, agreeing to do our best to respect one another and be nice. Anger gets NO WHERE and it is exhausting at our ages. Plus, is a waste of precious time since we are NEVER promised tomorrow by our Lord.

Thanks for reading.