The new information I have came in today from the chief of police there.
It seems the Child Protection report came back "inconclusive." It said that the little girls knows what a "penis," is and all about it. It also said that the little girl did know her father was nude sleeping with her and my sister in law gave the excuse that they sleep in the nude and walk around that way as well. (This is not true according to her older children.) The chief thought that we could find out more about the report if we called and we will do that today.
He was able to drive today, his seven days were up and he has not been to court yet for the charge where they will take away his license for 1 year. The chief said he was in his truch and off this morning very early. He also said that there was a recent "domestic," in which he was asked by the officer to leave the home for the night and he went "to a friend's home," to spend the night. I think this "domestic," was the day before yesterday.

We are looking for more information and to give more information this afternoon.

It is never ending but we will not give up until he is away from those little girls!

There are two sisters claiming sexual abuse by him when they were girls, and one ex-wife claiming her daughter with him was sexually abused by him. Where there is so much smoke, there is fire. I just hate that the girls are still there with him while they build their case!


"Question your privilege"