It could be, or part of it could be that we were, those born in those years, were "Yuppies." We were taught that getting ahead and putting off families, as well as doing well in business was the definition of a good life. The Yuppies came after the Hippies but were boomers too. I was partially a "yuppie," or an Italian Yuppie. The main focus was on doing WELL in business, dressing WELL, owning the BEST and cocaine was the drug of choice, not pot, which was a hippie thing. Cocaine was used to stay up and work, party hard and get ahead. No one wanted children until after they were 30 and again, "making it," was what society wanted from that age group.

It could be that they are disappointed with what they tried to gain, or did not "make it in the big time," and can't deal with it. It could be that they drove themselves and now that they have to slow down and accept aging, they are losing it!
Those ages, as I said, were Yuppies and drove themselves crazy with work. I worked SO hard and saw all my peers give up everything for success. I did not, I had my child, but they did not approve of my choice at my age.


"Question your privilege"