You're so right about using the time your mind is wandering for positive thoughts! It's sort of like those self help tapes some play for themselves to think positively. If you let your mind wander and think positive thoughts you will have positive experiences follow.
Energy follows thought.
It's important to let the mind have positive suggestions even if you do it yourself like it seems you do, Celtic! Thats so great! It is a bit like self hypnosis to picture positive outcomes and positive happenings you'd like. You can give yourself suggestions and they stay with you like little kind messangers!
I know it sounds silly but it works for me. I won't let my mind wander to the negative and I meditate and "listen," to my thoughts and make sure they are positive, looking for the positive in any situation that may arise.

I use music too. Music is powerful and if you use music that makes you feel good, or powerful, or beautiful, or energetic, it helps you in life. Music is what I've lived my life to and it affects me deeply. Putting on a piece of music each day that makes you feel good is a good practice to get into. If you do that, you will feel better physically and mentally. I try to teach that to my students. I try to tell them to play themselves a song everyday no matter what else they do. They can move to it or not, depending how they feel and to include that song title in their journal if they keep one. "Today I played, ________ works very well in helping me tap their creativity.

The hardest thing to get students to do, or adults in the theater is to let go and become their characters. It helps me if I get them to let go to their favorite music every day.

It can work against you as well if you are subjected to music that upsets you.

Industrial Psychologists have known this for years. They choose music to play for workers that they know will get the maximum work from them and the best concentration. Stores hire them to do this and businesses, factories, etc..

Secret weapons!


"Question your privilege"