smiled a dashing smile and asked if he could be of service to his pretty friend from across the pond? Well, Jane was so impressed with his chivalry that she followed him off the plane and into a waiting automobile. He told her his name was Paul and he was going to rehearse with his band, would she like to come along. Jane and Paul were inseperable for that week and she was the first love of the man now known as Sir Paul of the famous Beetles. Paul begged Jane to remain in England with him, but she was too young and promised until her return she would write everyday. Jane never returned to Paul and the rest is history. Chatty passed out cold among the questions coming at her in a rapid pace from all in attendance at the pajama party. She was too drunk to realize she had broken a confidence, but the next morning when she went down for breakfast, Jane came up behind her and said, I hope...

Edited by chatty lady (12/21/07 12:10 PM)
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