Here's the way I use to solve that little prob, Princess...When I would tell my ex something that I knew he would use SELECTIVE HEARING on, I would say to him, "Now did you hear that?" He would give his standard, "Yes, I hear ya." And start to walk away. I would say something jokingly like, "Hold on a sec that buster, you aren't getting off that easy. I said did you hear that. I didn't say hear this and file it away, I said, did you hear that.

This means at some point in time, I'm gonna ask you about this and you are gonna have that deer in the headlights look and say, "WHATTTTT?" Now....I'm asking you again, did you hear that? Careful before you answer me, cause if you say yes, and chose to say WHATTTTT? when I ask you about this again, I get to go out and spend 1,000. And another 1,000 every time you say, "Whatttt?" Got it?

He ALWAYS got it.