Hey, JJ, I'll toot my own horn anyday. My philosophy in marriage is to treat one another like you would DREAM to be treated!....well, as long as you don't lose yourself or get walked on, that is. I know he genuinely appreciates it because he says so often and thanks me. Here, I'll toot my own horn so forgive me...I brush off the snow and start it up every weekday for him. That's after I put his carefully prepared lunch in the car for him so he doesn't have to carry it out....lol. He came from a marriage where NOTHING was ever done for him and often he was denied....right from birth. So I enjoy it. I enjoy seeing him race out the door to a warm and ready car. One thing we DO have going for us is mutual appreciation. We express it daily...even when he's weird. Of course, I am NEVER weird!
If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane ~ Jimmy Buffett