Thanks for your input. My husband is really, really a good man. He's a homebody. And most of the time he's easy to live with. But he has that habit of blaming me for every thing that goes wrong. I'm NOT sure it's premeditated. The guy talks very little. He's a brain, a geologist by trade, but retired now. We take RV trips a couple of times a year. We've been married, going on 27 years. But there's that 1 thing that bugs the heck out of me. And it's not that I'm unhappy, for the most part. He doesn't physically abuse me; or cheat; or hang out at the bars. He's conservative, frugal, gentlemanly. And I probably overreact, some. But you know how it goes; that gender thing can get under a gal's skin sometimes. Thanks for the advice, ladies.