I'm reading your book at this time, Princess, those leaves would have been a good idea! Being as I am familar with Arizona, I'm finding great ideas for getting rid of your first husband:
hit him with your car,
shoot him with his own gun,
poisen his food,
find a group of bored drug dealers and drop his name,
Leave him on the top of a mountain and pray for the
best outcome,
Oleander leaves,
a pitful of snakes
a pitful of Gila Monsters,
plant some black widows in his bed,
about 25.
tie him to a Cactus and let the sun do it's thing,
when he is under his vehicle playing with it, kick the
stand our from underneath it.

Oh yes, I've some great ideas for this guy.

Dancer, in the middle of Princesses book

"Question your privilege"