A quick answer, Hannelore..I think Sweden has taught me alot over my years here..yes. And then..personal experience and men that I have had the pleasure and honor to know..among them my x-husband,too.

I do take estrogen gel..daily. I had to way back because my periods were FLOODS and nothing less. Another story..another time..my problem was probably genetic. So maybe I do get some help there? I don´t know..but I think alot of it is Sweden and life...

I agree that we shouldn´t force ourselves to have ANY kind of attitude about anything, including sex and love making. But I also think that making love can be better than an therapist or a stress coach..I am NOT making light of anything here..both professions are very very needed..I just mean that making love can be so helpful if we take away all thoughts of doing it "well" or good enough..if we just enjoy a looong cuddle with our partner and let the good enzymes flow..and the feeling of being close to someone..really close..take over our bodies and souls...

Well, my bod has alot bulges..flabby..vericose veins like grapes on my legs..swollen knees..you get the picture..but there´s always mellow light I envy you there, Hannelore.

Health stores seem to have stuff for the libido..or so they say..then there are movies of all sorts..and I don´t just mean porn..not at all..romantic movies..and music..maybe reggae..slow reggae??

Hannelore, we are free ladies..ok, I have grandkids too and an 18 yr old wall to wall..but you know what I mean? Can´t we have some "fun" when we can finally have it without all the if´s and but´s??? I don´t know...

HUGS! HUGS! HUGS! of friendship to you..
"some sacred place.."