LOL...chatty you make me chuckle...I'll leave the PJ's home for sure...LOL. Merideth...good idea...haven't thought of that and it certainly would help, I think.
Things are turning out the way I thought they would concerning LW and him getting out of the military and not being prepared. He sent his dad an email a couple of days ago and said he now wishes he'd bought a different vehicle (one that actually runs..He's spent a lot of money trying to fix up a 1989 truck that still will not start). He said he's getting out probably in March and can't get an apartment because of his bankruptcy and his bad credit. (I knew that was coming)...Then he said he'd have to live with his Mom and sister. DIDN'T I PREDICT THIS???? He's not certain of a job yet and hasn't saved any money and will pile in on his mom and sister and all Larry and I can do is shake our heads. Unbelieveable!!!
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards