no not mine his luciens. hes gonna be a big 4 on monday thats the 11th. i rember giving birth, then few days ago he was one then a week later hes 3 then few days later hes gonna be four. It flashes past in a second and what changies in their first few yrs.

so he been a big joy and blessing for me and i know you heard me twitter on about him for last few yrs, he found a grannie and some frends heer too.

some of you are doing this all with your grandkids so you identifie with how cool it all is. Do you rember it with your owen kids or kids that are close to you in some way?

anyway god gave into me and finalie gave me a child lol four yrs later i still gratfull. Tred sometimes but gratfull anyway
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn