TWO WAYS TO ENTER: A) Beginning at 12:01 a.m. Eastern Time ("ET") on February 4, 2008 through 11:59 p.m. ET on April 16, 2008, log on to, click on 100 Calorie Packs "Celebrating 100 Extraordinary Women" Contest icon and follow the on-screen instructions. ... 100 words or less nomination on how you or a woman you know in every day life has improved your/their family and community in inspirational ways ... All Entries must be received by April 16, 2008, when the contest ends. For purposes of these rules, you are the entrant and the subject of your essay is the "Nominee." You may nominate yourself if you are a woman.
JUDGING CRITERIA: Eligible entries will be judged by a panel of experts under the supervision of Judges. Judging will be based on the following criteria: Relevance to promotion, how has the entrant or nominee improved her family and/or community in an inspirational way - 50%; Originality, demonstrates ability to express herself in a unique and creative manner - 25%; and Composition, demonstrates clear and effective writing and correct grammar - 25%. Entries must not have won a previous prize or award nor been previously published and must be entrant's original work. In the event of a tie, tied entries will be rejudged on the basis of relevance to promotion, originality and composition. Winners will be notified via mail approximately May 23, 2008.

PRIZES: One Hundred (100) Hollywood Film Experience Grand Prizes: A 3-Day/2-Night trip from June 27-29, 2008 for entrant and Nominee to Los Angeles ( COMPLETE RULES PAGE)