Hello friends ! Yesterday was a rainy afternoon, so I took a little video of Anaiya dancing. She’s on the go all day, except when she plays with her dolls. Then she asks Opa and me to be quiet because her dollies are sleeping. We are usually more than happy to comply… pant pant.

Photobucket distorts the image. Anaiya looks so much older, because the picture is out of proportion and stretches her, but you can get an idea how our dancing queen keeps us on our toes. It takes quite awhile to load...so you may be able to make your bed, a cup of coffee, and eat breakfast too. The video lasts about 3 minutes. But takes longer to load.

anaiya dancing

Meanwhile it’s official. Her Mom did not make the Olympic team. Duuuh,… what a surprise. ... When my son called to ask when she’ll be coming home, she said she’s still training, in order to play against the Olympic roster when they practice. Can you believe it?!!

My son then asked, “After a year and a half, don’t you think it’s time to come back to me and your daughter?” She answered no, and she will decide when the time is right.

My son is now in Switzerland, but when he’s back in 9 days, he’ll be going to a lawyer to see what his chances are to get full custody. His chances are only realistic if my husband and I are willing to officially keep Anaiya and raise her, since he is unable to.

I don’t know what to think. My son said his wife sent him a card every week, and she called us almost every day,…except this last week, she called only once. All these different signals are driving us nuts. My son says the only true message his wife is sending is the fact that she doesn’t want to come home.

One thing is for sure. We will always be there for our granddaughter. We told our son he can count on our support. There in no way we could abandon Anaiya, like her mother has.