Thanks for answering, Gims. I've read several reports of people experiencing vivid dreams and manic sensations (i.e., jolts of energy at 3am) when they took 5-HTP before bed. There are varying recommendations, but the one I think I'll try first is to take 50mg first thing in the morning, before far, that seems to be the dosage and timing that works best for the people who have had positive results. Many people seem to have found relief with 5-HTP, but others have had problems with it, usually either too much energy or too much fatigue. I guess I'll try it and see how it works for me...I'll keep you posted, though it takes a week or so before it begins to take effect.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)