Thanks, Jabber. I've struggled with chronic depression (dysthemia) all my life, including two major bouts of clinical depression. This current "basement feeling" stems from the grief from my brother's death a year ago this week. I know that I have to be patient where the grief is concerned, but I also know myself well enough to know that although this isn't full-blown depression, it's intense enough to look at finding a mild boost.

I'm REALLY working on the positive thinking stuff, good diet, and managing to keep my head well above the waters most of the time...doing all the right stuff...

EXCEPT... Dotsie, I'm not exercising enough. I was doing more (and felt better) in Cuba...but am slow to get back into the groove since our return. I think the seven-foot snowbanks and sheer icy sidewalks are a deterrent. Hubby and I are trying to get to the mall everyday to do some brisk mall-walking. But I have to get back into my Tai Chi and stretching exercises.

I do miss those long walks along the beach in the hot definitely made me feel better!
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)