Help! Help! Help! Have we lived in this dust bowl??? The sun is shining on Sweden..specifically my apartment. No, it´s NOT warm therefore..but rather colder and more wintery..but sunny. AND..then I see it..this film of GREY all over the place..DUST!!! I haven´t really noticed it (or I have just repressed know, selective perception?) until now..our winter has been very very GREY and with some smaller cozy livingroom looked cozy..well, mellow. And NOW..the truth of the sun is crashing all my cozy mental pictures.!

I cant believe that I am the only one on this earth that feels this when the spring is on its way finally! Am I??? Please some comfort here! No earth shattering deep problem..but nevertheless..stressing! Why we haven´t developed all sorts of allergies and respitory problems I will never know!

Hoping for some comfort here!!!
"some sacred place.."