There is NO DOUBT in my mind that Robert is still with us -- the latest trick he pulled on us was on June 19th -- at 12:02 am

this is my husband's birthday and we were woke up at 2 min after midnight on the day of his birthday when our stereo -- which has not been on for at least 2 months -- went off on its own. I kept reaching over and turning off the alarm -- until I woke up enough to realize that we don't have a RADIO alarm [Smile] and I figured out that it was the stereo out in the living room -- Rob just wanted to be the first one to say HAPPY B.D. to his dad [Big Grin]

The voices had made Robert shave his head -- so it was just a bit of a shock to see all that gorgeous hair once again.

Dianne -- if you'd like to "know the whole" story -- please go to my website and read "robert's story" -- and some of the poems I've written about him -- I love when people know about him -- he was a special person to know [Smile]