I wrote TIME TO WRITE because after I started getting published, people began asking me where I found the time to write since I also work full time and have a family, etc. I tried to find out how successful authors had found time to write before they were published and couldn't find that info anywhere out there. So, that's when I decided I would interview successful writers and learn how they juggled writing with family, jobs, and so forth and share that insider info with others through a book. Hence, TIME TO WRITE was born.

I also wanted to give aspiring authors inspiration that your writing dreams don't have to flounder just because you have to work or have small kids at home or have other obligations that are demanding. As I say in TIME TO WRITE, writing isn't a life, it's a lifestyle. You weave writing into your busy day by using a schedule and setting small goals to push you along.

Kelly L. Stone

Author of:

TIME TO WRITE: More Than 100 Professional Writers Reveal How to Fit Writing Into Your Busy Life-- No Excuses, No Distractions, No More Blank Pages!