I seem to go from one problem to the next, and they take forever to heal. Yesterday morning my lower back went out big time, and I didn't do ANYTHING!! After still being in major pain today, dizzy and couldn't even sit up (I tried for an entire hour, and had to lie down cuz of pain -- finally was able to get up) I went into emergency room. The good news is, X-rays showed my spine to be structurally OK. The bad news is: AGE [Mad]

I remember doing all kinds of crazy stuff when I was younger, stuff that SHOULD have caused injury, but never did -- or if it did, it healed in no time flat. Now I have chronic back pain, degenerative arthritis, and an assortment of other annoying junk. Plus the crinkly neck, spreading mid-section, and deeply etched smile lines. I think I could live with the cosmetic aging if I didn't have the pain.