Welcome KitKat to the forum...

I feel sorry for those women who stayed in a marriage because of their religion, or because they were always taught it was 'till death do you part.' My own wonderful mother stayed with my dad who was abusive mentally, and tried to keep her bare foot and pregnant, literally. She divorced him after 25 years BUT only because we older kids made her do it. Dragged her to a lawyer. She said she never would have done it on her own. She was terrified and was completely shocked to see she could make it on her own.

Now however, marriage is like a pair of shoes, if they hurt your feet after awhile, off they go and get a new pair, dress too tight, 86 it. Job doesn't make you feel good, quit, get a new job and so on and so on. Where and when, if ever, will there be a happy medium? Woman aren't those intimated little girls anymore... This is a good thing but has some bad circumstances as well. It is hard on todays children too.
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