Anne you are a HOOT!!! I am really into this Law of Attraction thing..if you saw my nite table you would cry..or laugh..all these books on the Law of Attraction and Vibration and Allowing..o yes..I am becoming expert. But as you point doesn´t wash in all situations.. I am using it to become this sickenly positive person in the later years of my life! I mean if I should happen to attract more money or happier life..that´s ok by me. But I promise not to spout my theories on you! He he!!!

I really love you, gal!!!

Jane your post was interesting..everyone does have different ways of seeing things..and even these opinions change. I think it´s so important to support those around them along their chosen way..because you never know a person until you have walked in his/her shoes...hmmm..

If the pendulum IS swinging to the other extreme..divorces left and right and often..perhaps that is what has to happen to bring it all down to a middle way in the end. Some men/women have endured very difficult marriages over the years..for the sake of the vows they once made and society`s judgement..this can´t be ideal either.. as many of you say..
"some sacred place.."